

I am a little embarrassed to admit that I already have a Twitter account that I used for my last job.  The embarrassment stems from my reluctance to be associated with the twildly twenthusiastic tweeters in Twitterland.  I tweeted sporadically, every couple of months, but it never caught on for me.  I never really searched for new and interesting people to follow, and only a handful of my friends followed me.  When I first joined, I followed Stephen Colbert and in one day had a gazillion tweets of his to mow through, so many that I could not find the other tweeters that I followed...so I ditched Colbert and could then read the other posts, not that it made much difference.  I tried to add a picture to personalize my page...my pictures were all too big and I still can't figure out how to shrink the pixels, if I even can??  And then there is the white whale??

Soooo...my first experience was less than twilling, but I am ready to give it a second chance!!

P.S.  I hope this post does not offend anyone who has had amazing twitter experiences!!


  1. Like you, I followed people who would completely dominate my twitter-feed with their incessant updates. I eventually had to unfollow them. I did also have trouble getting my picture to fit too...so many frustrations with new technology!

  2. You alliteration with the t's was incredible in the post. I know exactly what you mean about there being too much information. Since you're an experienced Twitter user, any suggestions for sifting through for the good stuff?
